She had lived a hard life. It was obvious the world had knocked her around a bit. Hers was a journey of hardships and desperation. Still, as she lay there in her hospital bed, a new softness came over her—a hope, a longing, a lightness.
She'd visited Riverside Church the weekend before - for the first time. Moved by the message, she made an appointment to meet with Pastor Bob. But something unexpected happened, and she found herself stuck in a hospital bed instead.
When Pastor Ron learned she was in the hospital he felt compelled to visit her. She was pretty candid with him about her state of despair, her need for something more. As she continued to speak, he remained curious, truly caring for the woman. Eventually he was able to share the redemptive story of Jesus Christ with her, and she prayed, asking Jesus to be her own Savior.
She has begun a new journey now, not without hardships, but never to be lost and alone again.
Pastor Ron reflects, “Only time will tell how serious she is about walking with God, but I’m so glad I went to see her. I’m so glad God allowed me to introduce her to Him.”
Pastor Ron had met the woman and her landlord at church the previous Sunday. Her landlord was the one who brought her to church. He told Pastor Ron about the others he wants to bring to Riverside to learn about Jesus.
“It gets complicated when we start loving folks who are used to the ways of the world,” Pastor Ron says. “We’ll have to have more conversations and talk to some of them one-on-one to learn their sincere intentions. If we’re really serious about loving and living like Jesus, though, Riverside has to be a bit like a hospital too, open to the hurting, leading them to the Great Physician who can heal their hearts and lives.”
Praise God He drew this woman to Riverside and revealed Himself to her at the hospital. Praise God He is using us to care for those who need Him!