When Jody Drovdlic gave her life to the Lord years ago, she obediently got baptized. In a genuine celebration of her decision, she was sprinkled. Several weeks ago, when her husband asked her if she’d considered being baptized by submersion, she was surprised and then disturbed. It felt as though he was suggesting that her baptism wasn’t good enough or somehow didn’t count. Re-doing it would be like denying the importance of what she’d already done. Worse, it felt like legalism, checking off a box to fit in. She had no problem being baptized again if that’s what God wanted...and so she prayed. She asked God to not only make it clear to her if she should be re-baptized, but also to make it really meaningful and to give her a desire to do it.
Soon after that, a lady at church was re-baptized and shared her reason, her story. And God began a stirring in Jody. She realized that just as her faith had deepened over the years, so had her commitment to following Christ. She began to see a re-baptism as a restatement of her vows. Very much like the restatement of wedding vows after many years of marriage, her new vows would be from a seasoned journey with a Savior who had proven His faithfulness and perfect provision through many a storm. She was excited. Yes, she wanted to be baptized again...and not just a sprinkling. She wanted her whole body fully submerged. Little did she know how God would use that decision...and her Facebook!
Recently, a friend in Pennsylvania called Jody to let her know how impacted she was by Jody’s Facebook. This gal’s first husband had committed suicide years ago, and even though she was happily remarried, the confusion and pain of that first relationship felt unresolved. When she saw Jody’s baptism on Facebook, it suddenly hit her that it was time to bury her first husband’s ashes, time to bury the past and let go. She also decided it was time to move ahead. While she’d known about Jesus all her life, she knew there was something more. She was desperate to know the Jesus that Jody had come to know over the years and was so absolutely in love with.
What an awesome reminder that people are watching us, and God is so amazingly creative in how He draws others to Himself. Praise God that He is still at work, changing hearts and changing lives, pursuing the hearts of those around us and using our humble obedience, service and offerings to further His kingdom!